Queer Insight
Cum one, Cum all! We are Cale and Avery, or Avery and Cale depending on who you ask, and we are gay! Welcome to our new podcast! Please enjoy our coming out stories and we hope this resonates with you. We welcome all who want to listen, talk, and provide your own insight as well! We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at qinsightpod@gmail.com or at instagram @qi_pod. Let us know what you think! Stay queer friends.
Queer Insight
Queer Insight: Happy Holidays!
Avery and Cale shared their personal experiences and thoughts on various topics, including their busy weekend at work, their experiences with AI and Siri, their holiday parties, and their experiences with family during the holiday season. They also discussed their thoughts on the musical "Wicked" and its film adaptation, the complications of pursuing relationships within friend groups, and the recent assassination of a United Airlines CEO. Lastly, they discussed various topics such as revolutions in different countries, the need for universal healthcare, and the concept of the Western and Eastern worlds.
THANKS AI! Stay queer!
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Instagram: @qi_pod
Facebook: qinsightpod
Email us: qinsightpod@gmail.com